Baseline study of the plankton productivity of
Ibeno Atlantic coastline, South south Nigeria was carried
out every second week of the month for 13H/day
beginning from 0600 to 1800 hours at both surface and
interstitial waters from November 1996 to June 1998.
Physicho-chemical parameters and major elements were
analyzed. Moderate acidity during the dry season and
alkaline medium during the wet season were observed.
Wet season turbidity, D.O., colour, NO3, PO4, Silicate
decreased sharply from those of the dry season while pH
and NH4 did not vary significantly between seasons.
Peak phytoplankton production of five classes, 35 genera
and 42 species occurred in October 1997 with
Bacillariophyceae dominance while peak zooplankton
species (28) belonging to 21 genera, 19 of which was from
the class Copepoda were observed. High plankton
densities were identified between 0600 and 0800 and
1300 to 1600 hours. At interstitial water depths of 0cm,
10cm, 20cm and 30cm, plankton densities decreased with
depth. Plankton productivity took a sinusoidal curve and
was not unconnected with the tidal changes.
Chlorophyll-a values ranged from 0.000
Keywords : Physico-Chemical, Plankton, Productivity, Grazing, Interstitial.