Bio Battery from Waste Leather Based Collagen, Carbon Nanoparticles and Natural Electrolyte

Authors : A. Nelson, Dr A. K. Vidya, S. Inbasekaran.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 11 - November

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Bio battery, an innovative alternate natural energy source that utilize nanoparticles from plants to facilitate electricity, over the years, plants have been used as valuable sources of natural products for maintaining animal and human welfare and health. In the present study, the electrolyte paste from waste leather (animal skin) and plant extract for maintaining the electricity generation of bio battery. To analyze and assess the performance, enhancement in term of voltage, current, power caused by the modified electrolyte. As a result the iron content when estimated in Maringa oleifera lam and electrolyte paste in acidic [6.2 to 6.8 Ph.] range and voltage are tabulated. The future benefits of bio electrical energy can also be used for rural electrification of 50 to 75 houses, based on the size and application.

Keywords : Electrolyte paste, Plant extract, Bio Battery, Waste leather.


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