Authors : Alaebo, P. O ,*., Onochie, A. U ., Nwaka, A. C ., Ekwunoh, P. O ., Igbonazobi, C. E ., Ezeigwe, O. C ., Mbadugha, N. N ., Omumuabuike, J. N
Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 4 - April
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This study evaluated the effect of halofantrine hydrochloride on some biochemical indices of female wistar rats. This drug is used in the therapeutic treatment of malaria. Twenty (20) female wistar rats divided into four (4) groups of five (5) rats each were used. Group A (control) received 0.2ml/kg body weight of normal saline, while groups B,C and D received 0.2ml/kg body weight of halofantrine hydrochloride administered orally three times at six hourly interval for one, two and three weeks duration. Blood sample was collected for the activities of Lipid profile indices (TC, TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C). These parameters were analyzed with standard biochemical techniques. The statistical analysis was carried out using ANOVA by SPSS version 11 package. From the plasma, the hormonal level was determined by radio immunoassay. The estradiol level following 1 week, 2 weeks and 3 weeks treatment was higher significantly (P < 0.05) in all the groups compared with the control. The result therefore appeared to suggest that Halfan may be inducing the steroidogenic enzymes thereby causing high levels of estradiol. These findings could signify the toxicity of the drug and possibly hypercholesterolemia or hyperlipidemia.
Keywords : Halofantrine Hydrochloride, Malaria, Estradiol Levels, Female Wistar Rats, Radioimmunoassay.