Biodegradable Cutlery Using MoringaPod Husk: An Alternative to Conventional Plastic Cutlery

Authors : Vrushali Kumbhar; Prashant Masali

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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Moringaoleifera or drumstick tree belongs to Moringaceae family and it is the most commonly found tree in tropical and subtropical region of south Asia. Due to the nutritional importance of each and every part of the tree it is also, known as the “Miracle tree”. The moringa pod husk is inedible but the pod pulp and seeds can be consumed. The deseeded and depulped moringa pod contains crude fiber, cellulose, hemicelluloses in significantly high amount. Since, the inedible pod husks are waste material it can be utilized by up cycling it into useful products. Therefore, sustainable approach was used to develop biodegradable cutlery using M.oleifera pod husk powder as it can serve as a better alternative to single use plastic cutlery. The drumstick pod husk powder was subjected to mild acid treatment and gentle bleaching and the obtained pulp, was casted into moulds and micro-waved. On completion of this process biodegradable cutlery was obtained. Further, biodegradability of this cutlery was observed. This same methodology can be extrapolated to develop more eco-friendly products other than cutlery.

Keywords : MoringaOleifera (Drumstick), MoringaPod Husk, Biodegradable Cutlery, Sustainable Approach, Plastic Cutlery


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