Authors : Blaise Makoso Nimi; Bernadette Nzuzi Phaka; Rosette Pfuti Nlandu; Fabrice Nlandu Thamba
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL389
Uncontrolled hypertension remains a significant
problem in daily clinical practice worldwide.
Few data are available on blood pressure control in
hospitals. The aim of this study was the frequency of
uncontrolled hypertension and associated risk factors in
hypertensive patients followed at the general referral
hospital of Boma in the province of Kongo Central in
the Democratic Republic of Congo
From January 1 to May 31, 2019; we conducted a
cross-sectional and descriptive study at the Boma
reference hospital located in the southeast and 440 Km
from Kinshasa, the capital of DR Congo.
Included was any hypertensive patient aver 18
years and informed consent. Information on
demographic parameters, behavioral lifestyles,
anthropometric and biological (blood sugar, creatinine,
urine strip and lipid profile ) and blood pressure (BP)
measurements was obtained. Hypertension was defined
as an average of two BP ≥ 140/90 mmHg. Independent
factors associated with control hypertension were
identified using logistic regression analysis. P<0.05
defined the level of statistical significance.
The prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension was
62 % BP control was observed in 150 (38.0%) of 395
treated hypertensive participants mainly in men than
women (68.3 vs 53.3 %; p=0.001). Age <60 years
(p=0.005), no smoking ( p=0.047), no Central obesity
(p=0.008), CKD ( stade 1 vs 2 ) (p=0.065) , and no
hypercholesterolemia ( p= 0.014) emerged as associated
with control hypertension.
Uncontrolled hypertension was common in our
hospitals.Therapeutic lifestyle changes and
pharmacological treatment are necessary for
hypertensive participants.
Keywords : Hypertension, Control, Risk, Factors, Hospital, Boma.