Authors : Pranay Rangne; Prof. R.M.Bhombe; Prof. A.S.Welankiwar
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20SEP102
Computerized or Automatic detection of
tumors in medical images is motivated by the necessity
of high accuracy when dealing with a human life. The
computer assistance is also demanded in medical
institutions because it could improve the results of
disease identification and negative cases should be very
low. So, the Processing of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) images is one of the techniques to diagnose the
brain tumor. This paper describes the strategy to detect
and extract brain tumor from patient’s MRI scanned
images. In this the Steps includes are pre-processing,
segmentation, morphological operation, watershed
segmentation and calculation of the tumor area and
determination of the tumor location and this
Application is Developed using Matrix Laboratory
Keywords : Brain tumor, Morphological- Operation, Water-shed segmentations, MATLAB