PT Balai Pustaka (Persero) was founded on
September 22 1917, continuing the Commissie voor de
Inlandsche School en Volkslectuur (People’s Reading
Commission) that was founded earlier on September 14
1908. In their first year, Balai Pustaka had published 31
books in Malay language, 101 in Java with Latin and
Arabic letters, 67 in Sundanese, 22 in Madurese, 4 in
Bataknese, 1 in Acehnese, 1 in Bugis, and 1 in
Makassarese. The themes began from health,
agriculture, technical, art, and skills. This research aims
to test and analyze brand image influence towards Balai
Pustaka product buying decision. Author uses
quantitative method and survey as the research design.
Research data uses google questionnaire (Google Docs)
to 170 respondents, with non-probability sampling
technique. Analysis method of this research is
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The result shows
that brand image variable positively affects buying
decision. Suggestion for next research is developing
questionnaire to deepen and extend the identification of
every dimension so that issue solving can be right on
target, to examine other variable or factor that affects
buying decision.
Keywords : Brand Image, Buying Decision.