Building Autonomous Academic Writing Skills through Free writing


Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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We are surrounded by modern technology but there is no such device that could transfer human thoughts from the head to the paper. In the real world, for many students and business people, writing is nearly as worrisome as public speaking. Once they are sitting in front of a blank paper or a screen, they need to have some powerful techniques to create a meaningful and impressive presentation, a report, a proposal or an article. Freewriting is a very powerful method in our writing practice and it is a way to tap into our creative side. This article aims to explore the use of freewriting and focused freewriting in the context of developing ESP students' English writing skills and promoting students' academic skills development, particularly in the area of academic writing.

Keywords : Academic Writing, Creativity, ESP (English For Specific Purposes), Focused Freewriting, Writer’s Block.


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