Building Waste Management Innovation Based on Ecofriendly Incineration

Authors : Bhakti Alamsyah, Wasilah

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 11 - November

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Waste is an unsolved problem that causes flood in Makassar. Based on the data taken by Department of City Parks and Sanitation Makassar the generated waste reached 4.183.41/day in 2016, while only 3.962,63 m3/day or 95.37% was handled. Those numbers need further action in a form of integrated waste management. This research is to give ideas on innovation of building waste management that convert the waste into electricity energy or Waste to Energy by applying incineration technology. With Explorative approach, the aim of the research is to find out form and function of building that is suitable with generated waste problem. The data collection is direct observation, documentation and interviewing related institution. The result of this research covers waste management at Integrated Final Disposal Site, Tamangapa, Makassar designed as a building. The building will generate the waste and will not disturb the surrounding people who live at the area. The building is expressive to change its negative impression of community towards the waste. The design applied is to strengthen the image of waste management building that is innovative, effective and educative. The building is designed to be able to burn the waste up to 700 tons/day using 2 units incineration machine which can produce electricity output 10.000 KWH and the incinerator operational uses 50% of total electricity output.

Keywords : Flood, Building Inovation, Waste, Incineration, Waste to Energy.


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