The aims of study were to analyze the effect of
cashback program toward customer commitment to
DANA mobile payment; to analyze the impact of
Perceived Usefulness toward customer commitment in
using DANA mobile payment.; to analyze the impact of
the cashback toward customer Intention to Use in using
DANA mobile payment itself; and to analyze the effect of
Perceived Usefulness toward Intention to Use in using
DANA mobile payment and to analyze the Intention to
Use toward customer commitment in using the
application. The population in this study is the user of
DANA in Surabaya City. The analysis method is using
partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM). The result
showed that the cashback program has a positive impact
on customer commitment based on DANA user.
Perceived usefulness has positive and significant impact
toward customer commitment. This cashback program
impact significantly toward intention in using DANA
mobile payment. Perceived usefulness itself has
significant effect toward intention to use, and also
intention to use itself leads to customer commitment.
Keywords : Cashback Program, Customer Commitment, Perceived Usefulness, Intention to Use and DANA