Causes of Variation Order and the Impact on Project Cost Building in Sudirman

Authors : Caesarani Gloria Putri; Erry Rimawan; Lindra Aulia Rachman; Prasetyo Madyo Utomo

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL215

Variation order on the construction project can negatively affect project implementation costs are swelling. This occurs due to the factors that cause variation work order. Data collection technique used observation and interview methods and then be made a factor analysis of causes and effects of variation order to the cost of implementation. These results indicate that the biggest factors causing variation work order is a design change with a percentage of 60%, while the smallest is the causative factor prime cost rate with the percentage of 2% of the total number of jobs variation order. The impact on costs due to the variation of work orders amounted to 4.78% of the amount of the initial contract with the percentage of 34.85% work structures and architectural work for 65.15% of the total variation work order.

Keywords : Variation order, construction, contract, cost, etc.


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