This undertaking base on the execution of lightweight cement by utilizing quarry dust block. Anyway adequate water bond proportion is indispensable to create sufficient union among concrete and water. Deficient water can utilize absence of union between particles, in this manner laws in quality of cement. Like astute an excessive amount of water can make bond keep running off total to frame laitance layers, hence debilitates in quality .We use quarry dust as a substitution of fly fiery remains and furthermore utilized the materials concrete (OPC 53 grade), fly cinder, quarry dust, frothing operator (FC-LITE). FCLITE is a frothing specialist which incorporates a growing property and builds the volume of the blend and lessening the dead weight of the block. We are utilizing standard size of block form is (19 x 9 x 9) cm (IS 1077: 1992). This paper is set up to demonstrate the exercises and advancement of the light weight concrete. The execution of light weight cement, for example, compressive quality tests and thickness and beneficial tests and examination made with different kinds of block.
Keywords : Foaming Agents (FC-LITE), Quarry Dust, Fly Ash.