Collaboration between academia and industry is important towards technology development process especially in the context of Malaysia. The first objective of this study is to investigate the challenges of technology transfer between academia and industry from UTM’s academia perspectives. Secondly, to identify if culture, goals, time constrains and ownership of intellectual property are listed as the common challenges in technology transfer between UTM’s academia and industry. Third, to identify possible solutions for all mentioned challenges between academia and industry linkage from UTM academia’s perspective. This research employs explanatory research design and qualitative methods in data collection and analyses. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted which involved researchers that are also represented as a chief executive officer, assistant directors, manager, and chief registrar. The finding of this study showed that the most common challenges faced among UTM researchers in collaborating with industry is time constraint, while the least rated is intellectual property ownership. The result of this study can be used to improve the understanding of the challenges faced by the academic and industry linkages in technology transfer, as well as recommendation points for further improvements in the context of research university in Malaysia.
Keywords : Component; Academia-Industry, Time Constrains, Ownership of Intellectual Property, Different Culture/Orientation, Different Goals.