This study was conducted at the PNGUNRE
poultry farm using 270 birds in 2018. Muscovy ducks are
hardy waterfowls existing with variations in phenotypic
characteristics. Five phenotypes ( n=25 lavender, n=20
chocolate, n= 56 silver, n=59 black and n=110white) by
plumage colour where distinctively sampled and
characterized. Measurements on body weight, neck length
and neck height were used as the parameters for
comparison on five phenotypes. Analysis was done using
SPSS version 16.0 involving Duncan’s multiple tests to
separate the means while Pearson’s correlation coefficient
was performed to find relationship between the
parameters. Negative correlation (-.137*) was observed
between plumage colour and BW,NL,NH and BL. The
sexual dimorphism accounted for -.402**, -.238**, -.315**
and -.172** at high significant (P<0.01) of BW, NL, BL
and BH respectively. There’s high negative correlation of
sex on the traits measured. Plumage colour cannot be used
to select BW, BL BH and NL for breeding purposes.
Dimorphism in ducks has a negative effect on the assed
parameters accept NL. Separate study on the effect of sex
on the measured parameters is required.
Keywords : Muscovy Duck, Body Weight, Body Length, Body Height, Neck Length, Plumage Colour, Correlation, Phenotype,