Chest Girth Measurement is an Alternative Method to Measure Body Weight in Goats of PNGUNRE Farm

Authors : Limai Lan; Israel Kambori; Gerald Enda

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 2 - February

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A total of goats of various age groups (3 months -3years) were weighed using the two methods; body weights were weighed using a galvanized clock face weighing scale and girth circumference were measured using girth tape measure. The goats are of tropical breeds introduced to PNGUNRE in 2009 from Lae, Morobe province and have adopted well to the environment in East New Britain province. Since introduction, goats have inbred over the years with less knowledge of body weight differences being affected by inbred lines. The current study was developed to identify an alternative method to weigh goats despite other factors affecting goat breeding, nutrition and health status of goat production. Body weight estimates is a profitable parameter to be measured to allow manageable market decisions, selection, breeding, nutrition and assess health status. The measured parameters; BW and GC were analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. One-way ANOVA was used for statistical analysis and mean comparison, partial correlation analysis was done for correlations between BW and GC. The results of the current study show corresponding mean values of 29.484±9.1335 kg and cm for body weights using weighing scale and girth circumference using tape measure respectively. The similarity in mean values are highly correlated at 95% confidence level. Girth circumference measurement is an alternative method to weigh goats whilst it is the cheapest method for the farmers to attain for practical husbandry practices.

Keywords : Goats, Body Weights, Girth Circumference, Correlation


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