- Dark Web is that part of the internet which
cannot be indexed by normal search engines and require
special browser to access them i.e TOR. The dark web
corpus has huge amount of illicit ventures which are
illegal in our country as per the Indian penal code This
leads to growth of illegal activities on the web. To collect
and categorize the web pages that has illicit content is
very time consuming and difficult as well. Hence we
propose a method to effectively classify, visualize illicit
ventures on the dark web. We select laws and
regulations related to each type of illegal activities and
trained the classifiers. From various categories of drugs,
gamblers, weapons, child pornography and counterfeit
credit cards, the corresponding law which prohibits
them is selected for training the classifier. Then classifier
algorithms like Naives Bayes classifier classify the illicit
content on the web pages. The whole purpose of this
project is to help the cyber bodies to be versatile and
keep record of the illegal contents on web.
Keywords : Dark Web, Categorization, Illegal Websites, Indian Penal Code.