Authors : Hadiza Moutari Soulé; Tigani Guirema Madi; Solène Nyingone; Sofia Jayi; FZ. Fdili Alaoui; Hekmat Chaara
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May
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Clear cell adenocarcinoma of ovary is a rare
tumor and represents less than 5% of all malignant
ovarian tumors. It is an entity distinct from epithelial
carcinoma of the ovary and may result from malignant
transformation of endometriosis, usually unilateral and
highly aggressive. Surgery and chemotherapy are
therapeutic weapons even if this tumor has a poor
prognosis. We are reporting a case of clear cell
adenocarcinoma of ovary, on a young pauciparous
patient whose initial therapeutic treatment was effective.
Keywords : Clear cell adenocarcinoma, Endometriosis, Surgery, Prognosis