Humans are overly dependent on nature for
their existence and, even though being well aware about
this dependency they continue to exploit the nature
which in-turn results in environmental degradation. One
such manmade agent, which is adversely affecting the
nature is climate change. It is identified as one of the
most serious threat faced by the mankind in modern era
. By the virtue of this paper we have tried to shed light
on climate changes and the legal framework which is put
in place to tackle this change. Evolution of this current
legal framework which was the result of many cases in
different juridisction is also looked into this paper .
Meaning of climate and climate changes is also explained
here . For the purpose of writing this paper the sole
reliance was on secondary data which ranged from blogs
, books news reports to research paper, articles and
various organizational reports. The findings scrutinizes
the global policies and track down the implementation of
those policies in Indian juridisction and also the impact
of those polices. This paper will further contribute to the
existing literature of climate change management and
also will provide the reader an insight how and why
climate is important . The findings and suggestions will
also help institutions to draw or update policies on
climate change if they deem necessary.
Keywords : Climate Change , Policies, Conventions , Green House Gases (GHG) , Emission.