Human life has become more stressful in this
era. Sedentary lifestyle, Occupational Factors like
prolonged standing, poor posture etc. are playing a large
role in increased prevalence of the common lumbar
spinal disorder i.e. Lumbar Spondylosis. In Ayurveda, no
special entity can be correlated with Lumbar
Spondylosis. It comes under Vataja Nanatmaka Vikara as
Katigraha. Since it is a lumbar spinal disorder, it can also
be said as Asthyashrita Vikara. Vata Vikara are best
treated with Basti and Tikta Ksheeraor Ghrita yukta Bati
is said to relieve the symptoms of Asthyashrit Vikara. So,
taking all these factors into consideration, Tikta Ksheera
Basti was tried to alleviate the signs and symptoms of
patients having Lumbar spondylosis. Assessment was
done with regard to low back pain, Tingling sensation in
lower back and lower limbs, Stiffness at lower back and
lower limbs, Movements of joints of low back and lower
limbs, Gait and Straight Leg Rising Test (SLRT). The
data was collected before and after administration of
Basti Karma. This 21 days trial proved to be significantly
efficacious in reducing signs and symptoms of Lumbar
Keywords : Lumbar Spondylosis, Katigraha, Asthyashrita Vikara, Vataja nanatmak Vikara and Tikta Ksheera Basti