Cloud Based Student Career+ App

Authors : Dr. Murugavalli S; Senthil Kumar G; Santhosh T; Suresh Kannan K; Pradeep P

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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Due to the pandemic situation students were completely involved with or were dependent on technology and to communicate, learn and even take exams. Technologies will play a major role in every field in the future. But one thing that does not change is how we study even after the pandemic comes to an end. We will roll back to the traditional way of studying by attending classes physically. Nonetheless we also will be partially depending on technologies to study when we are at home. To improve the experience of how a student can study, we develop a mobile application that acts as a median between the staff and the student. If a simple notification can remind us of several aspects, we can improvise our study experience by a simple notification that arrives directly from the staff to a student mobile mainly focussing on students with backlogs who can manage their study process in a much easier way

Keywords : On duty (OD), Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).


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