Authors : Dr. Uma Sudhakar; Dr. Lalitha T Arunachalam; Dr. Ashwini.R; Dr. Bhavani.M; Dr. Jasti Keerthi
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October
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The aim of this study was to evaluate knowledge
and awareness of periodontal disease among the rural
population in and around Chennai.
151 participants were recruited into this cross
sectional study. Astructured questionnaire was
distributed as Google forms.
Only half the population were aware of oral
hygiene measures, periodontal disease signs and
symptoms and its risk factors including Diabetes and
Levels of periodontal awareness was low among the
rural Chennai population and initiation of more
awareness camps and health programs are suggested in
attempt to improve awareness levels
Keywords : Periodontal Infection, Smoking, Bad Breath