Cold fusion is caused by the compression
against D2 covalent bond at the expanded tetrahedral site
(T site) on the nano-roughness of the metal surface, or by
the compression against hydride bond of the element. In
case of cold fusion on metal surface, D
can occupy the
surface T site by expanding T site, and adjacent D+
join to
- by coulomb attractive force between D+
and D-
, and D2
is created at expanded surface T site, thus, D2 is
compressed by the lattice atoms of T site and small D2 is
created by the electron transition from n=1 to n=0, which
is theoretically proved by electron deep orbit (small
hydrogen) theory.
Above Cold Fusion mechanism is based on the
following hypo (1) D
and Dcan coexist in the metal, and
join to Dat the surface T site (3) D2 exists at the
surface T site, (4) compression stress against D2 in the
metal surface T site, and (5) small hydrogen caused by the
compression stress against D2 covalent bond to change
hydrogen into small hydrogen.
Lately (1), (3), (5) have been proved by the
experiments. (1) has been theoretically studied and
experimentally proved by LENR experimental set-up by
Lattice Energy Converter by measuring the ion current.
(3) has been proved by Lattice assisted nuclear fusion
with laser irradiation which laser can trigger Cold Fusion
with the frequency of D2 bond vibration, and neutron
scattering experiment showed that D occupies surface T
site at the preferentially. (5) has been proved by the
experiment showed that compressive stress against
vanadium-hydrogen- vanadium(V-H-V) bond can turn
hydrogen to be smaller hydrogen, which is the electron
orbit transition of hydrogen from n=1 to n=0. Small
hydrogen has electron in electron deep orbit of n=0 which
orbit is so close to the nucleus and small D2 has very high
electron density between d-d, electron of D-D bond can
shield the coulomb repulsive force between d-d perfectly
and cause fusion.
Apart from cold fusion in the metal, we have a
several other types of cold fusion based on the bond
compression. One is the Compression against hydride
bonding to trigger nuclear reaction; Typical reactor is ECAT, and they discussed that Li+H reaction, and I
presume that its reaction can be caused by the Li-H bond
compression to create the small hydrogen (actually
neutron) to trigger nuclear reaction. Because this reactor
has no mechanism of bond compression, I propose the
conceptualized Reactor with the mechanism of bond
compression by the stirring of nano Li-H particle with
ultrasonic oscillator to vibrate the nano-particle to collide
nano-particles each other, and with the metal plate press
the nano-metal particle to compress Li-H bond.
Similar mechanism of bond compression is NASALattice Confinement Fusion. Although authors think
differently, I presume that gamma-ray assists the Er-D
vibration and some of Er-D bond can be compressed by
Er-D vibration induced by gamma-ray by thermal diffuse
scattering, however the efficiency must be very low due to
the fusion of d to Er
Keywords : LENR, Cold fusion, neutron, EDO, Electron Deep Orbit, Coulomb repulsive force shielding, transmutation, nano particle Li hydride, Lattice assisted nuclear fusion, Buffer energy nuclear fusion, E-CAT, Lattice confined Fusion, nano metal particle.