Collaboration Technology Acceptance Model, Subjective Norms and Personal Innovations on Buying Interest Online

Authors : Ike Kusdyah Rachmawati; Mohammad Bukhori; Fenia Nuryanti; Syarif Hidayatullah

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 11 - November

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The development of information technology has now penetrated various industrial sectors, such as manufacturing, banking, hospitals, hotels, agriculture and others. With the development of this technology, it gives rise to the importance of the role of the internet in meeting people's daily needs. Almost all people, from students to professionals, use internet access to connect, provide and access information quickly. In the trade sector, many business people are competing with each other to get buyers for their products. Electronic-based commerce (e-commerce) is becoming a part of today's e-lifestyle which allows buying and selling transactions to be carried out online anywhere and anytime. Furthermore, when viewed from the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) theory, any activity related to technology or information systems should know how easy it is to benefit from existing technology and how easy it is to use. . The population in this study amounted to 340 samples. Data analysis techniques using 1) Validity Test, 2) Reliability Test, 3) Path analysis. The results of the analysis show the perceived benefits, ease of use, subjective norms, personal innovation have a direct effect on the attitude of using social media while behavioral control has no effect. Furthermore, all the indirect effects of perceived benefits on online buying interest on social use attitudes have no effect as well as the indirect effect of ease of use on online buying interest through the attitude of using social media, the results show not significant.

Keywords : Tachnology Aceptance Model, Buying Interest Online, Social Media.


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