Farming Catfish in commercial quantity is done by using hormones that are synthesized and are most times very expensive like ovaprim. One of the aim of this work of research is to reduce the cost of ovaprim by its dilution with normal saline in induced breeding of catfish and compare it with pituitary gland from the brain of a male catfish to see which one can quickly induce the female to spawning and enhance the production of the fish in Zone C area of Benue state, Nigeria. Different breeds will be used like Heterobranchus bidorsalis been cross bread with Clarias gariepinus will be cross breaded for optimum result. After hatching, at table size level, fish production will be estimated in the pond using the “capture –recapture” statistical method. In the cause of the research, it was noted that Fry needs to be fed regularly with good quality food so that it can grow smoothly to Fingerlings and to Juveniles. The research recommends among others that the quality of water should be at its best and it is better to grow the Fry from a hatchery than using Fingerlings caught from the wild using fish nets or any other method.
Keywords : Catfish, Fry, Fingerlings, Juveniles, Ovaprim, Aquaculture, Lincoln Index.