Comparative Analysis of RO Rejected Waste Water and Sewage Waste Water with Domestic Waste Water in Various Places in and Around Kumbakonam Town, Tami

Authors : L.Bathmapriya, Dr.M.Jeyaraj.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 7 - July

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Water pollution is one of the major problem in a today’s scenario. Polluted water is liberated from any industrial places or which contains a high amount of hazardous compounds. This water is discarded into water bodies like river, lake, etc. If this polluted water is discarded directly into the water bodies it can causes serious effect on environment and human’s life. This type of water pollution can also affect the ecosystem adversely. So, analysis before release of water from industries is essential. The environmental quality is greatly focused on water because of its importance in maintaining the human health and health of the ecosystem. Many parts of the world are facing water scarcity problem due to limitation of water resources coincided with increasing population and low water resources etc., In the present study, different waste water such as RO reject waste water, Domestic waste water and Sewage waste water samples were collected from 10 different areas, radial distance of 5 km in and around kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India. Then the various physico-chemical and microbial analyses were performed based on standard methods. The comparative results showed a more poluted quality is sewage water and followed by RO reject water and domestic waste water. The physicochemical and bacterial characters of the sewage water were unworthy. The sewage water recycling was necessary to minimize the water born diseases.

Keywords : Physicochemical, microbial, pollution, waste water, Tamil Nadu.


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