Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons are generated
in solid waste dumpsites where disused wastes are
dumped. This study investigated the concentration
levels of PAHs in the soil at solid waste dumpsites
located in Markets, Semi-industrial and Residential
areas in Rainy and Dry seasons.
Materials and Method
Fifteen soil samples were collected in each season
and analyzed using Gas Chromatography at the Rivers
State University, Institute of Pollution Studies Research
Laboratory. Each of the season laboratory data were
analysed using descriptive statistics viz mean ± standard
deviation as well as inferential statistics such as 2
sample T-test at 5% level of significance. Hierarchical
Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Components
Analysis ( PCA)where applied on the measured data to
determine the sources of contamination as well as the
level of pollution by comparing with the control sites.
High Molecular weight (HMW) PAHs which are
toxicologically relevant were detected in all the three
classified dumpsites in both seasons with highest value
of Chrysene in residential dumpsites during rainy
season and Dibenez(a,h)anthracene in dry season. Each
of classified dumpsites has average total PAHs values
greater than 1mg/kg (>1) in Rainy season while in dry
season, only market dumpsites have an average greater
than 1mg/kg. The order of the level of pollution in rainy
season is observed to be: Control site
Keywords : Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Solid Waste, Dumpsites, Contamination, Soil. Dry & Rainy Seasons.