Comparative Analysis of Study Habits Between Males and Females

Authors : Nishmin Unwalla

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL062

- Study habits play a critical role in a student’s life. Success or failure of a student depends on his/her own study habits. The effective and efficient way of learning depends on the study habits of the students. Study habits are important, as they influence the educational performance of the students. Good study habits are a prerequisite for good academic performance (Rabia, Mubarak, Tallat, & Nasir, 2017). The present study aims to look at the gender differences in the study habits of college students. The Study Habits Inventory, a tool developed by M.N.Pulsane and Anuradha Sharma was used for the purpose of this research. The inventory consists of 45 questions which were used to measure the study habits of students. Poor habits of study are one of the main causes of educational backwardness. This research was conducted to get a better understanding of the habits of study of college students. It will help the students provide basis for awareness and know how their current study habits affects their performance in examinations. It has been proven that gender is an important variable while researching on student’s learning. The research was conducted among 80 males and 80 females. The results showed that there exists a significant difference between the study habits of males and females and further also revealed that females tend to have better study habits as compared to males.


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