Comparative Study of Artificial Fodder Production (Hydroponic) and its Benefits

Authors : Mukul Barwant, Komal Barwant

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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In animal cultivation feeding is an important part .Generally different types of fodder are used for the purpose feeding animal such green fodder ,dry fodder and manufacturer fodder like indranil ,hindustan proesssed feeds used for purposes of feeding . Now days by day number cows cultivation will be increase that ordinary old type of fodder is not sufficient for that purpose we have to developed new technique of fodder production such hydroponic fodder production . In this we see that maize hydroponic fodder production with comparative analysis of processed feed like Hindustan feed. We have analyzed the benefit the cattle which providing artificial as well as green fodder .Hydroponic fodder production is production of fodder without soil within 10-15 days . This fodder production done in any season anywhere in minimum labour and minimum time . The yield of hydroponic maize fodder from 1 kg to 7kg in this we study effect of fodder on cattle milk after feeding and before feeding .determine the quantitative as well as qualitative effect of cattles . This effect shows that when we feeding hydroponic fodder then qualitative character of milk will be increases such as protein, fat, and lactose sugar but quantitative character will be decreases.So that as comparision with other fodder it is more beneficial fodder than other, time saving ,minimum labaour and effective to increases the quality of milk

Keywords : Maize Hydroponics, Waterless Fodder, Comparison with Ordinary Fodder.


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