Agriculture is backbone of any developed
country. Due to exploitation in population agriculture
production is very sufficient amount so farmer are using
chemical synthetic fertilizer which increase agricultural
commodity but it become harmful to ecosystem and all
diversity So we have to find the alternative ways that is
biofertilizer. In this investigation we have study of effect
of the biofertilizer on germination and seedling growth
root shoot growth .of Soybean (Glycine max) & Maize
(Zea mays) . Under the different treatment condition of
biofertilizer 0.1%,0.5%,0.10%.0.25%.Which conclude
that the germination and seedling growth it best in
under the biofertilizer treatment condition. The
biofertilizer is one of alternative ways of fertilizer which
eco-friendly which best supplement of growth and
development in agricultural crops
Keywords : Biofertilizer, Fungicide, Germination ,Root Shoot Growth.