Comparative Study of BRT and Multimodal Transportation in Makassar City and Rio de Jenairo City

Authors : Muhammad Ridha Kasim, Budi Sugiarto Waloejo, Imma Widyawati Agustin

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

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Multimodal transportation is aimed to support many modes and users, to reduce the use and the ownership of vehicle, and to promote the development of mixed use land. The development concept of the integrated multimodal transportation belonging to Makassar government's plans has not fully materialized. Various indicators include the limited types of public transport, the overlapping public transportation route services, the disproportionate amount of fleets to passengers, as well as the innapropriate terminal and stop points with the passenger lane points. Rio de Janeiro adopts a plan to improve public transportation options in the city and metropolitan area. The plan includes investments in expanding the subway system and constructing the separated busway system as well as the feeder transportation which will help the city to alleviate some urgent mobility issues and to prepare two major sport events: the World Cup 2014 and the Olympic 2016. This study is aimed to provide an overview related to the public transportation condition, especially in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and the supporting transportation in Makassar and Rio de Jenairo. Descriptive and comparative analysis methods are applied on the operational performance and the provision of facilities and infrastructure. In general, the operational performance of BRT Transoeste in Rio de Janeiro is in accordance with the minimum service standard, while BRT Transmamminasata in Makassar, still, shows many variables of operational performance that do not meet the minimum service standard.

Keywords : Multimodal-Transportation; Bus-Rapid- Transit; Multimodal, Makassar.


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