In present days use of computer network is increased, on the premise of increased number of users and traffic flows. So it is essential to keep tab on network traffic and user activities for efficient working of network. It is difficult to monitor the complex network due to large data. To monitor such a complex network the Network Protocol Analyzer (NPA) can be used. Network protocol analyzer is important in network monitoring to troubleshoot and to log network. NPA are useful for analyzing & monitoring network traffic over the networks. NPA plays main role in network monitoring to watch network activities which help network administrators to troubleshoot and to log network and it gives detail information about the received data. In this paper we explained network protocol analyzer it’s working Principle which used for analysis network traffic and also comparative analysis of NPA and existing tools which are SoftPerfect network protocol analyzer, Netflow analyzer, Riverbed steel Central Packet Analyzer, Debookee Network Protocol Analyzer.
Keywords : Network protocol analyzer, NIC, Filters, Packet capture, network monitoring.