Most essential equipment in power distribution and transmission is Transformer. Defining a transformers is of utmost importance while specifying the requirements of power system. Understanding of the manufacturing processes and work flow to the extent that ensures the optimum, cost-effective and reliable design of transformer is required. Core of the transformers is a key part that carries the major portion of total cost and performance. Hence during the engineering of the core the material shall be chosen in such a way that it ensures the minimum loss and also low capital cost. This paper highlights the selection criteria, the evolution and standard practice that have been adopted in industry for core of transformer. Basic Components of oil type Transformer: Core Winding Oil
The processing of these three major materials, consist of almost 70% of transformer price. 30% of total transformer weight is contributed by Core and a significant percentage of cost for total transformer. Transformer loss is having an impact on running cost in the term of revenue for its lifelong operation.
Keywords : Hi-B, CRGO, Eddy Loss, Hysteresis Loss, Rolled, Induction, Improved Steel, Core Loss, Electrical Steel.