Background of the Study
Pregnancy is supposed to be one of the happiest times of a woman’s life, but for many women this is a time of confusion, fear, sadness, stress, and even depression. Depression is a mood disorder that affects women at some point during their lifetime, so it should be no surprise that this illness would also touch women who are pregnant. But all too often, depression is not diagnosed properly during pregnancy because people think it is just another type of hormonal imbalance. Depression has become a significant public health issue, with a continuous rise in its prevalence. It is estimated that depression will rank as the second major cause of disease burden by 2020. Women’s reproductive events such as pregnancy, pose a significant risk to the mental health of women. Physical and emotional changes during pregnancy are usually dealt during antenatal visits, and the symptoms are generally resolved without any problems. Depressive symptoms during pregnancy often go unnoticed and are disregarded, and this may negativity affect a woman’s health. Recent studies from Pakistan have shown antenatal depression to be associated with malnutrition and poor physical health.
Objectives of the Study
1. To assess knowledge regarding psychosocial risk factors contributing to depression and its prevention among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics at selected urban areas of
2. To assess knowledge regarding psychosocial risk factors contributing to depression and its prevention among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics at selected urban areas of Badami.
3. To compare the knowledge regarding psychosocial risk factors contributing to depression and its prevention among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics at selected urban and rural areas of Badami.
4. To find out the association between knowledge regarding psychosocial risk factors contributing to depression and its prevention among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics at selected urban and rural areas of Badami with their selected socio-demographic variables.
5. To develop and distribute information guide sheet on regarding psychosocial risk factors contributing to depression and its prevention among pregnant mother’s.
Keywords : Depression, Knowledge, Pregnant mothers, Information guide sheet