Internet of Things, it is been more than a
decade since this concept was introduced to the society.
In this research we aim to compare three IoT application
protocols; Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol
(AMQP), Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
(MQTT) and Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP).
The selected protocols efficiency will be evaluated using
indicators related to Throughput and Round-Trip time
(RTT). In the considered scenario an IoT device will
transfer data to a server and waits for the response. The
data will be sent in different sizes of packets. We have
proposed a testbed using python programing language’s
library SciPy and socket programming to evaluate the
three protocols. Experimentation tests reveal which
protocol is best suited for different scenarios accordingly.
Results show that overall MQTT achieves the highest
protocols efficiency among other protocols.
Keywords : IoT, IoT Protocols, Performance, MQTT, AMQP, COAP