Complements to Gravity Theories

Authors : Cynelle Olívia de Souza

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL535

Gravity, electricity, magnetism and strong and weak nuclear forces form the fundamental energies and force fields for the organization of matter in the universe. All visible matter emits electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies; dark matter does not emit them. It is assumed, or else, that it can be formed by particles like the neutrino, which subtly interact with electromagnetic waves and with matter. Under the action of strong energy, the neutrino can theoretically reach speeds greater than that of light. Such an effect can occur when this particle becomes detached from electromagnetic interference, which is very difficult to observe. Sound also participates in the transport of matter and energy and can participate as the main means of coupling neutrinos and transmitting their information.


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