Comprehensive Study of Various Methods of Power Generation through Suspension System

Authors : S Logeshwaran, Chiranjeev Tiwari, S Sudheer, Ritesh Kumar Rai.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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Hydraulic shock absorbers consolidated vehicle suspensions decades back to viably diminish the increasing speed of the vehicle bodies and support great contact between tires and ground beneath irregularities. Albeit the energy proficiency has been the major concern in the automotive industry, analysts discerned the energy dissemination in conventional shock absorbers was worthy of being moderated within the mid-1900s. From that point, a few sorts of energy harvesting shock absorbers were conceived and prototyped. Unlike conventional shock absorbing system which smothers the vibration energy into heat energy, the regenerative shock absorber system converts the dissipated heat energy into electrical energy. This paper is a comprehensive consideration of the comparison of energy harvesting based vehicle suspensions.

Keywords : Energy, Vehicle Suspension, Shock Absorber, Rack and Pinion, Regenerative, Energy Harvesting.


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