PT Sinar Jaya Gemilang is a company engaged in the field of automobile service and maintenance. This company has a financial application, the application called GBS. This application has a problem that is the difference between the calculation by using the application and calculation by using the manual way. In this study, the authors use the framework of COBIT and BSC model, while the COBIT domain in use is DS 5, DS 7, DS 12, DS 13 and ME 3. For the BSC model the author uses the internal perspective of the company. The highest is in the domain DS 13, and the lowest is in the domain ME 3. Recommendation for DS domain is provide training users to be able to improve if there is an error in inputting data. While the advice for the domain ME is conduct financial audits or audit applications more often. Based on the results of authors, the authors advise companies to make improvements to the application, so the problems that occur within in company can be resolved.
Keywords : COBIT; AI; DS; ME; BSC.