Conflict Resolution Strategies for the Cameroon Anglophone Crisis: A Community Research Proposal


Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 1 - January

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Cameroon had been on the development path since its liberation from colonialism, 1961. Freedom without development and democracy, however, is not genuine freedom. Cameroon people and their governments had not really had their freedom to choose their developmental path. Cameroon today is under a civil Anglophone crisis spanning over two years and still no appropriate solution have been sorted from the look of the state of this crisis. According to the United Nations, some 40,000 Southern Cameroonians have fled the wave of terror and killings from their ancestral home to Nigeria. The UN again noted recently that some 160,000 Southern Cameroonians have been internally displaced and badly in need of food, shelter and medicine, noting that due to this crisis, approximately 1,600 Anglophone southern Cameroon resident and over 400 government and military officers have been recorded death. (Cameroon Intelligent Report, June, 8 2018) This research paper is goal at sourcing the root cause of this crisis from all ends and presenting strategies to aggressively arrest this violence and holistically tam responsibility to all activist; the civil population, the Ambazonian Interim Government and its Self-Defense Council Restoration Forces, the government of the United Republic of Cameroon and the French legislative colonial government in- charge of oversea colonial territories.


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