Connectivism: A Literature Review for the New Pathway of Pandemic Driven Education

Authors : Serkan Boyraz; Dr. Gürbüz Ocak

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought physical distance among people and forced every aspect of life to change including education. The educators all around the world who had already been trying to adapt the digitalization to be compatible with the demands and needs of today’s learners that are also called the digital natives found themselves in an entirely new world order for education as no face-to-face classes were freely available. As previous learning theories were developed for the education that takes place face to face in schools and there hadn’t been a reason to transform education into a completely distance way, at least up to higher education, educators might feel faltered trying to follow principles of behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism. Connectivism which aims to explain the learning that takes place within the digital environment by learners’ forming networks with other learners and even digital sources such as Wikis, blogs, data clouds etc. is a new theory for the 21st century education that is covered by the technology. This paper tries to summarize the theory in order to provide a guidebook for the teachers having confusion caused by unexpected and quick transformation after pandemic started to drive educational applications.

Keywords : Connectivism, Distance Education, Distance Learning, Digitalization In Education, Connective Learning


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31 - October - 2021

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