Authors : Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel; María de los Ángeles Estrella-González; Pedro Carlos Martínez-Suarez; Lilia Azucena Romero-Sacoto; Fanny Mercedes González-León; Gloria Luzmila Pogyo-Morocho; Gloria Alexandra Latacela; Marcia Veronica Pogyo-Morocho; Pedro Fernando Faicán-Rocano; Martin Adrián Contreras-Sanango
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December
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The main objective was to examine the
scientific literature on the consequences and
containment measures of gender-based violence against
women during the COVID-19 pandemic. The violence is
considered as the force to obtain an end, especially to
dominate somebody or to impose something, the illness
by Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), has brought a
without number of problems as consequence of this one
was produced a social isolation that manifests of relevant
way, worrisome indicators on the domestic, familiar,
psychological violence, During this pandemic they are
distressed as their homes become a place of fear and
abuse due to forced cohabitation, economic stress and
fears about the virus, in many cases the explosion of
children in partner violence can generate post-traumatic
stress disorder and other serious emotional and health