Consequences of Social Media use Among Adolescents in Nigeria

Authors : Christian Okechukwu Aleke, Lois Nnenna Omaka- Amari, Nkiru Edith Obande-Ogbuinya.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 4 - April

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This paper focused on the consequences of social media use among adolescents. Its objectives were to reveal the unfriendly consequences of certain social media activities on the health of young people and how such activities can propel risky behaviours among them. The paper also sought to unveil the effects of the abuse of social media practices among adolescents on real life situation and how these acts can be prevented. Social media in the paper was defined as those internet-based social websites or social network sites such as Face book, WhatsApp, 2go, Instagram, Twitter, Baidu Tieba, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, that serve as instrument for interaction between person to person, or group of persons. Extensive highlights and discussions on the consequences of the use and abuse of online social activities of young persons were addressed. These consequences included the propagation of indecent dressing, sexual abuse, premarital sex, hookup, sexting, pornography and sexual solicitation. Other consequences of social media abuse as discussed in the paper were cyber bullying, sexual promiscuity, exposure to ritualists and death. In order to reduce the negative effect of this social problem on young people, the paper recommended among others that the Ministry of Education (Federal and State) must as a matter of urgency add to their curricular –Social media education for both the primary and secondary schools. The present study further recommended that the adolescent should be guided on the use of conventional Medias such as television, radio, and newspapers. Diverting attention to these traditional media could help to reduce the use of phones and computers which provide access to social network sites that are capable of ruining them.

Keywords : Consequences, Social Media, Adolescents, Nigeria.


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