- The success or failure of a project is largely
determined by the planning and control of the project.
The failure of project implementation was due to lack of
planning and lack of ineffective control so that project
activities became inefficient. This resulted in delays,
reduced quality of work, and unexpected costs of
implementation. Problems in this research object is a
delay in completing a gondola project because there are
several obstacles or problems that occur. Optimization of
working time is quite important for companies in
working on projects, because in this work time efficiency
is needed because the gondola is needed by the client.
The implementation of the project requires optimal
project planning using the CPM (Critical Path Method)
and PERT methods. With the CPM method, 13 critical
activities were obtained, with total duration of 55 days
was also applied to the Gantt Chart. And with the PERT
method (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
obtained 13 critical activities, and a total duration of 53
days with a probability of project completion is 86.65%.
Keywords : Project Management, CPM,PERT, Activities