Consumer Perception about Culinary Street Food (Street Vendors) in Jalan Sabang Jakarta Pusat

Authors : Wijayanti Dewi Prabandari; Vienna Artina Sembiring

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 11 - November

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Street Food is a food sales business that is a favorite place for the people of big cities including Jakarta and also an alternative place for people who are looking for fast and practical food at affordable prices. The Jalan Sabang area of central Jakarta or better known by the name of the street Haji Agus Salim is known as a culinary area including street vendors that have been around for a long time and still have many consumers who come there every day. So that the area is chosen to conduct research that aims to understand consumer perceptions about street food culinary (street vendors). The research method used is the descriptive quantitative method. The sampling technique (example) used in this study is accidental sampling. The population in this study was taken based on the assumption that the number of visitors to the Limadi Leg Culinary Street Sabang Jakarta Pusat. From the research, the conclusion can be said that the culinary on Sabang street is indeed good enough to make many visitors come there, even with the many shortcomings that exist but the visitors are still enthusiastic to come there every time.

Keywords : Culinery, Street Food, Street Vendors, Consumers.


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