To the explosive growth of digital image there is need of efficient and effective technique to image retrieval from database or from the internet. Now day no one can have that much of time that they will check or visit each image and check, is it required image or not. So Present new technique of image retrieval system which is based on the combination of both text and content based. The idea behind TBIR (text-based image retrieval) is that it uses the title, tag, character which is present inside the image i.e. metadata using this feature retrieve image. In CBIR (content-based image retrieval) image retrieving based on image feature i.e. colour, texture, shape, etc. Using these two techniques we can extract image from their feature. Main aim by using this type of system is to reduce the time when we retrieve one image from database.
Keywords : Image Retrieval, TBIR (Text-Based Image Retrieval), CBIR (Content-Based Image Retrieval), Color, Shape, Texture, Metadata.