Most countries that are found to lie in the middle latitudes (40˚ – 55˚ N) experience continental climates that are described to have a large annual disparity in temperatures. These regions are known to have warm summers that often change to very hot and are often humid. On the other hand, the winters are cold or sometimes severely cold. Green House Gases (GHG) emission which mainly includes the CO2 as a result of increased human activities has contributed to global warming with high temperatures being recorded in continental regions in Europe. As the climate changes, increased aflatoxin contamination of plants and farm produce in parts of Europe has been recorded from the main aflatoxin producing fungi belonging to the aspergilli genus that include: mainly Aspergillus parasiticus together with A .flavus belonging to section Flavi. From these two aspergilli species, A flavus is widely known and it occurs in large amounts where temperatures for their growth are within the range of 28˚C optimum and for the production of mycotoxins mainly the aflatoxins the temperatures are between 28˚C – 30˚C. Exposure to and consumption of aflatoxins has many detrimental effects to plants, animals and human life where humans suffer from increased nutritional deficiencies, immune suppression and hepatocellular carcinoma
Keywords : Continental climate; Climate changes; Aflatoxin; aspergilli; toxigenic; mitigation.