Conversion of Noise Pollution into Electrical Energy

Authors : Varsha Jaware, Pratibha Gautam, Rohit Mar, Anup Panday, Nikul Sindhav

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 7 - July

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Noise is often defined as unwanted sound, but technically noise is the perception of a series of compressions and rarefactions of the air above and below normal atmospheric pressure. It generates the vibration of air particles. Vibration refers to the oscillating movement of any object. Noise is the form of pollution which is not restricted till industries only, sources of noise includes vehicle fleets, housing colonies, loud music in marriages/celebrations, loudspeakers used in political rallies, industrial appliances, generators, loud speakers at spiritual places, airport and railway tracks etc. Continuous exposure to high noise has been observed to affect the human health. Various control methodologies are used to minimize the human exposure to high level of sound. This is based on the oscillation created by the sound wave which can be further converted to electricity by the use of magnetic field. We will use loudspeaker (transducer) to work opposite as its normal working, instead of converting electrical signal into sound it converts sound wave into electrical energy. A number of other ways are also available for such conversion such as Piezometers and piezoelectric devices, but the efficiency of these processes have not been found satisfactory. Therefore, through this project we aim to devise a device which can convert noise from loudspeaker into electricity. Noise pollution is waste and no one want it and if this waste form of sound could be converted and used, then it will be very beneficial for mankind.We all consider noise as a form of sound pollution but with technological advancement and great research work going on, it is possible now to convert this universally distributed pollution into useful form energy such as thermal energy and electrical energy.

Keywords : noise pollution, electrical energy, piezoelectric material.


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