Correlation of Socio-Economic Status and Allergic Rhinitis

Authors : Akansha Dhilip, Dr. Raadhika Shree

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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 Introduction Allergic rhinitis is an IgE mediated nasal response to allergens in the atmosphere. In areas where there is high amounts of pollution, like in developing countries, this condition is quite prevalent.  Aim To study the environmental factors in allergy and the nutritional status in allergy. The purpose of this study was to see if a person’s socio-economic status plays a role in the development of AR.  Methodology Prospective study on 50 patients with allergic rhinitis. Patients were diagnosed with allergic rhinitis based on clinical symptoms and by serum IgE. Nutritional status was assessed and patients were given a questionnaire.  Results The presence of allergic rhinitis was more in the upper class. Common environmental allergens seemed to affect them more than the others.  Conclusion The hygiene hypothesis holds good based on the results of this study. The upper class individuals who are usually exposed to lesser environmental antigens are more prone to develop allergic rhinitis.

Keywords : Allergic Rhinitis, Socio-Economic Status, Upper Class, Pets, BMI.


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