In this millennial generation, everyone wants
to be the center of attention. They want to get attention
from others and this is how cosplay gained popularity in
Indonesia. Through their cosplay, people are able to
gain others attention. One of the main selling points of
cosplay is their unique and colorful attributes. Such as
their wigs and costume. Up to date characters and highly
detailed costumes are some of the determining factors to
get a successful cosplay. Costume makers, costume
sellers, photographers see that opportunity to make
money from it and make it into a sustainable source of
income. The purpose of this research is to study how they
communicate with the cosplayers to promote then sell
their products and services with e-marketing; and also
explore in depth what kind of intercultural elements are
implemented during the exchange. This will prove that in
this generation, online marketing is as effective as offline
marketing. The data in this research is based on
observation, documentation, and interview from relevant
Keywords : Cosplay, Costume, Business, E-Marketing, Social Media.