Cost and Time Optimization of Highway (NH 24-B, Phase-I) Construction

Authors : Lalitesh Sinha, Atul Tripathi.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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India is a growing country, and its progress mainly depends on the economy, Infrastructure and the living standards of the public in the country. India’s infrastructure facilities including transport, electricity and sanitation are still estimated inadequate for its population and thereby presenting a challenge for sustainable progress. For completing a highway project in transportation with minimum time and cost is critical in a competitive situation. Time and cost are the main objective to be discussed in the present optimization study using Genetic Algorithm (GA) for highway project. For scheduling of project has been used which gives the correct and accurate schedule of the project while GA optimization solver in MATLAB are used to optimize time and cost of the project. The Performance of the solvers mainly depends upon the parameters of GA which are used according to target and actual duration of project.

Keywords : Time, Cost, Optimization and Genetic Algorithm.


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