Authors : Wynd Rizaldy; Prasadja Ricardianto; Erni Pratiwi Perwitasari; Lis Lesmini
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September
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The paper objective is to plan, design and
maintain safety related to the logistic supply chain in
one large territory during Covid-19 Pandemic. This
Paper review the logistic aspect affect by this Pandemic,
also analyse the common and best practice of Other
country concerning handling the Transportation in
carrying, especially related to Item or article carried by
Aircraft, Vessel and Truck (multimode transport). This
paper method is descriptive-explorative using a
quantitative qualitative data source from the
International and national regulation as well as
literature references. The results of this paper to
encourage party who release the policy and apply it
Keywords : Cargo Industry, Covid-19, Logistics aspect affect, Logistics supply chain, Multimode Transport design